There’s blood on my bones

Following on from a somewhat personal post yesterday, I’d like to confess that I’ve got skeletons in my cupboard. We all do if we are being honest with ourselves. There is an old man who was crucified with Christ and his skeleton is still in my cupboard.

Sometimes the enemy likes to remind me of how full of skeletons my cupboard actually is. He does this to put me off stepping out in faith for Christ and inflicting damage on the kingdom of darkness. Sometimes I remind myself of my own skeletons and I become discouraged and start to feel hypocritical as a Christian. Other times, the world around me throws it all in my face by pointing fingers and generalizing about all Christians, saying we all have skeletons and our lives do not align with what we preach.

Can you relate with what I’m trying to communicate in this post today? Do you sometimes wonder if those skeletons will ever truly go away? Is it really possible to overcome the shame of the past and truly enter into the newness of life which Christ has made available to us now? Are you often discouraged from stepping out in faith because you’re worried of what people would think about your skeleton when the cupboard is exposed?

I’ve got good news for you because there is blood on your bones. If you have truly confessed to God and repented of your sins, then the blood of Jesus is more than able to cleanse you from your sins and set you free from the bondage of the cupboard. You no longer have to be held back by guilt and condemnation. When your thoughts start drifting to the shame of the past, take them captive and remind your soul that there is blood on your bones. When the world tries to point fingers at you and call you a hypocrite, gently remind them that they are talking to the wrong person because there is blood on your bones. When the enemy pulls out that skeleton and dangles it in front of you, accusing you of past sins and daring you to step out in faith for Christ, remind him that there is blood on those bones.

Brothers and sisters we are free in Christ. Free to live. Free to love. Free to worship. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus – Romans 8:1. Remember that we overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. He is the accuser of the brethren and that is his weapon against the saints. However, after all this time, he is yet to have an answer to the precious blood of the Lamb. Douse it on the cupboard and the accuser has no choice but to passover when he sees the blood on your bones.

About Watchman

...Just another young man walking out his faith by God's grace day by day. I love writing, I love people and I love Jesus. That's me!
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6 Responses to There’s blood on my bones

  1. MsLuffa says:

    I wish there was a *love* button for this post. It’s so apt and articulate.
    It’s like the Holy Spirit whispered in your ear just what I need to hear.
    Its amazing how the enemy tries to pull you down just when you are about to soar! It’s the least expected time one expects to fight dead weight off, but fight you shall.
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    • Watchman says:

      Hi again MsLuffa. Lol @ ‘love’ button! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. The enemy is really experienced at his job of undermining the saints. Thank God we are no longer under any condemnation in Christ. I pray that you will be energised by His Spirit and mount up with wings like an eagle. Soar MsLuffa! God bless you

  2. MsLuffa says:

    Reblogged this on Ms Luffa and commented:
    Let’s not deceive ourselves, there’s something very powerful and effective about guilt. No wonder the devil uses it to get us down and practically cripple Christians.
    I read this post this morning at a time when I was discouraged, confused and challenged and I’m so grateful for the encouragement in it and I really think its a good read for anyone that’s dragged down by their past failures and shortcomings.
    It’s worth remembering that even though people don’t forget, the one person who counts – Christ – chooses to forget. And there’s more he looks at you for what you can be not what you are.

  3. Pingback: Three Enemies « Homeward Bound!

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